Friday, March 28, 2008

Boring notice

I realize there are a few links out on the internet still pointing to this page, so I'd better [i]not[/i] leave it dead, and explain what this is:

This is a blog. Or rather, was a blog until I realized a few things. Namely, that Blogger sucks. It's slow, it's centralized with a million other services which comprise a disturbingly large conglomeration, all monitoring your behavior. for their commercial gain.

But only a paranoid kook would really care about that. I just hate anything that's not under my complete control.

So, rather than use the bloated, inefficient tool of satan, I'd rather just set up my own server, and operate privately. It'll be a hidden pocket dimension on the internet with no domain name. A modern-day Nautilus for those who are looking for a refuge from the seemingly inescapable mindless claptrap of both mainstream society and the hypocrisy of counterculture.

A link here will appear in a new post, a few months from now.


Lisa said...

It's been eight months! Get to posting that link!

Natasha cebek said...

Hey Drom...You okay?